Ecotourism Exploration

       Community Based Ecotourism exploration have been happening for two rounds already and I’ve involved in this exploration in the second round. In this exploration, we studied about what CBET is and the goal is to develop a CBET site in Kui Indigenous community in Bankernphal Village, Romtom Commune, Rovieng District, Preah Vihear Province. Actually, this idea comes from Indigenous exploration that studied about Kui indigenous community since the round before that. 

       In the first round of this exploration, we were more focused on the market survey which we went out to different places in Phnom Penh to survey visitors, mostly foreigners, whether they would want to visit our sites or not. So far, we have surveyed 255 tourists and the results that we got is 97% of them would want to visit our place if it happen. For the second round, we focused on feasibility study whether the place is feasible to be developed as a community based ecotourism. To study this, we took a 5 days and 4 nights trip to the community and we mostly camped in the forest since we needed to assess several places in the forest. After assessing all of the places, the result that we got is the place is feasible to be developed as a CBET. 

     As a conclusion, learning and exploring about Community Based Ecotourism was splendid and I got to spend time in nature more than other explorations and I can say it’s an amazing adventure. In addition, this exploration play a role in providing a positive impact on the community such as conserving forest and wildlife and providing income to the community so that they would have a higher living standard. Not only this, it will influence over 800 people. 

First experience Writing a HOW TO Essay and Taking my second WIDA Test!

     In english literacy class this round, is when we took our second WIDA test. I’m really proud of my result and it showed how much improvement I’ve growth since last year. I discovered many new words. As always, we did some writing and study novel book. After we finished, we shared what we’ve learned to the classmates. For the writing, the topic this round is How to be happy when… (How To Essay). Below is my How to essay and I hope you’ll learn new things after reading this, Please enjoy!

                               How to be happy when you experience failure

      Who has never experienced failure in their entire life? The answer is “No one”. Failure is something that everyone faces in their lifetime. When you fail, you might feel sad and feel down and sometimes, you don’t even know how you can respond to that problem. However, remember that failure is not the thing that will define who you are or determine your future, like once Bill Gates said “ I fail in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of the Microsoft”.This quote shows that even though you don’t pass in all of the subjects in the exam, it isn’t going to determine your future, like this owner of Microsoft. As the matter of fact, failures has a diversity of benefits but it’s just that you didn’t recognize it. According to listed 7 benefits of failure and one of those is “Failure Inspires Creative Solutions”, Which I​​ ​​​​​truly agree with this statement because as you’ve experience failure, you’ll be inspired to find a more creative solution to the problem that you had faced. Below are the steps that you can follow in order to be happy when you experience failure 

  1. Consider it as an experience : According to WikiHow, it states, “ Try to consider it a learning experiences.” which means that If you fail, it’s not your fault just because it’s an experience for you to develop and improve yourself in the next day. Just learn from your fault, see how you can improve and do better next time. Imagine, if you won’t fail today, you won’t challenge yourself to be better in the future. 
  2. Share it to people who you trust : In this way, you can share it with people that you trust because this will help to release your stress, your sadness. Sometimes, they might give you good ideas or can share your sadness. Just remember that don’t try to keep many things to yourself if you think you can’t handle it.
  3. Accept your mistake : Always try to figure out your mistakes and learn to accept it with an open heart or else you’ll never feel happy about it, you’ll never accept that you’re wrong and you won’t work hard on improving yourself. Moreover, when you’ve found out about what is your mistake and why you’re wrong, ask yourself a question “ how can I improve it and do better next time? ”  I believe that this will make you feel happier. 
  4. Be optimistic : Think positively and appreciate of your fault today because it might be the path that leads you to success. Otherwise, you won’t challenge yourself to be better. Also, remember that no one is perfect even the professors or the founders of big companies, but once they fail, they learn from all those mistakes and ask themselves that how can they make it better next time. 


     As you’ve read all the steps above, you might feel that it’s hard to follow and it’s too much to do. However, I’ve tried this and it’s really effective. I guarantee that you’ll be happier with your failure after practicing all these steps. Remember that failing is okay and by failing, you’ll acquire the new experiences and gain the advantages from them.  If you fail today, it doesn’t mean that you’ll fail tomorrow! 


Khmer Literature And Culture Festival

On May 24th, our school was hosting a big event called Khmer Literature and Culture festival which the goal is to preserve and share about Khmer literature and Khmer culture to different people and students in Cambodia. Not only Cambodian people but also foreigners could join and learn about our culture. There were many participants from different schools in Phnom Penh and outside of Phnom Penh. on that day, both the first and second cohort involved in this event and there were many booth present in differents places. They were about literature during Khmer Rouge regime, Khmer traditional gears, Khmer songs, Khmer literature history and more. There were also some competitions, including writing Khmer short story, Khmer poem, doing debate and public speaking in Khmer. Along with this, there were some performances such as Khmer Dances and what was really interesting is that there was also a Khmer Clothes Revolution fashion walk showed by both cohorts. For me, I took part as a booth presenter for Geography book of Cambodia and help the first cohort to organize the event as they were the main committee for organizing the event. Overall, I think this is such a great event for other Cambodians to continue keep doing since it’s an event to share the knowledge about Khmer literature and culture to other people as well as preserving this for the next generation to know about our culture. Also, this is an amazing experience for me to learn from and try to make it happening again in the future. I hope that after joining the event, the students will walk away with getting new experiences and learn something new too.

Learning is never easy at first until you’ve practiced more than twice! (Rate,Coordinate graph, Introduction to Algebra)

This round, we finally finished 5B textbook and I’m totally excited to learn new book. We had covered two big units which are Rate, Algebra and Coordinate graph. I felt like this round was kind of tough because it’s the end of the year and we had many things going on. These units made me felt really headache sometimes. Rate unit is the unit that I had struggled the most as it’s so tricky and there are many units. Sometimes I didn’t really get it but I tried to understand it by myself. So,after practicing some exercises, I understood and learned more from my mistakes. This happened the same thing like coordinate graph unit. The last unit that we had covered this year was the introduction to algebra because next year we’ll deeper into algebra. In addition, it’s one of the units that uses many strategies and techniques and it’s a mix letter math unit. To me, when I first introduced to algebra, i felt that it’s difficult but after practicing many exercises I realized that it’s now my favorite unit to learn. “No matter how many times you’ll learn, the best consequences you’ll get is to PRACTICE!”. 

First Introduction to Newton’s law

This round is the last STEM class of the year. I’ve been working really hard to finish the year productively. We’ve covered the main lesson on chemistry of carbon, chemistry of solution, Motion, Newton’s law, fluid forces, Work and Machine and Introduction to Energy.  We learned about Newton’s first law which is about inertia, second law which is about speed and acceleration and the third law which is about applying the same pressure will get the same outcome. We mostly read and ask & answer questions as usual. To get more ideas of what they are, we always used CK12 as our resources. 

Out of all these lessons, Newton’s law lesson took my attention the most as it’s new to me and I feel that really related to our real life. Also, while learning this lesson, I could imagine the situations that it had actually happened to me and apply it into my real life. To understand more about the concept of pressure, we also did the egg experiment related to pressure. This experiment was really surprised me because it was so amazing and it’s completely new to me. Overall, this round was fabulous and it ended the year productively. 

Editing Video and Photo Project!

Mostly, in multimedia class this round, we studied about Premium pro and work independently on our project. I made a 1 minute video about my Khmer New Year holiday and through this, I can tell people about what I did during my holiday without saying a word. While editing the video, I was struggling with exporting which it wasn’t turned out in a full frame. Also, I had a problem with fading out the music because I didn’t know how to do it. However, after seeking help from my friends, I could overcome those obstacles.

At the end of the round, we were required to choose a project or skill that we wanted to work on and I chose to work on editing some effects on Photoshop. First, I was thinking to work on the project that is related to one of the Adobe software because I want to practice doing more of those. After that, I thought I really like to photoshop pictures and when my teacher showed the class an example of effects that we could edit in Photoshop, it actually grabbed my attention. Then I started to think of some cool effects that we could edit in Photoshop and that was Water Splash effect. That’s how I got started with my project. While working on this project, what I found it hard was that I really had to be patient while editing this kind of effect because I had to edit the little details and some part, I even have to zoom in closer in order to edit this picture as realistic as I could. I used YouTube as my mentor for this project.

As a conclusion, this round is one of my favorite rounds and I enjoyed editing the video and picture that I had edited even though, I was struggling at some points. I’ll take it as a learning experience and do better next time.

Below are the products that I’ve made, Enjoy!

This is my first photoshopped picture!
This is my second photoshopped picture!
This is the extra one!


Khmer Literacy – Round 4

       នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់ខ្មែរក្នុងជុំនេះ ពួកយើងបានសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវទៅលើប្រធានបទផ្សេងៗ​ដូចជា អក្សរសាស្រ្តខ្មែរ ភាសា បណ្ដាំរបស់បណ្ឌិតធនញ្ជ័យ និងប្រទេសខ្មែរ ប្រាសាទ និងកោះ មួយចំនួនដែលបានបាត់បង់ទៅប្រទេសថៃ និងប្រទេសវៀតណាម ។ បន្ទាប់មកពួកយើងក៏បានចែករំលែកចំណេះដឹងទាំងនេះ តាមរយៈការធ្វើបទបង្ហាញ ។ ខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៍ថា ខ្ញុំបានសិក្សាអ្វីថ្មីៗជាច្រើន និង​បាន​ដឹងព័ត៌មានជាច្រើនអំពីខេត្ត កោះ និងប្រាសាទដែលខ្មែរយើងបានបាត់បង់មួយចំនួនធំ ។​ នេះគឺជាអ្វីដែលកូនខ្មែរគ្រប់រូប ត្រូវរៀនស្វែងយល់អំពីប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ និងប្រទេសរបស់ខ្លួន ។ ហើយខ្ញុំក៏មានមោទនភាពដែលបានដឹងអំពីប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្ររបស់ប្រទេសខ្លួនទាំងនេះ ។ ជាចុងក្រោយខ្ញុំសន្យាថា ខ្ញុំនឹងខំប្រឹងជួយរក្សាខេត្តខ្មែរដែលនៅសេសសល់អោយបានគង់វង្សយូរអង្វេង ។

ចុចនៅលើlinkខាងក្រោមនេះបើសិនជាងអ្នកមានចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍អំពីខេត្តខ្មែរកោះ និងប្រាសាទមួយចំនួន ដែលបានបាត់បង់ទៅអោយប្រទេសវៀតណាម

STEM – Round 4

       Previously, in stem class, we had cover some lessons about chemistry of solution, acid & bases and motion. We’ve made rock candy which is a water solution of sugar and water. However, my team’s rock candy wasn’t successfully created.  After a few days later, when we looked at it again, it didn’t become a rock candy, we fail. I was a little bit disappointed but after we found out about our mistake that we put too much water. I felt better now so that next time i can improve and do better. Along with this, I’ve did many experiments and wrote a lab report as always. Not only this, we had cover a motion lesson and different types of motions such as acceleration, distance and direction. We’ve did an activity which is building a bottle car with balloon to understand more about the concept. From this activity, i’ve learned how that car move and what make it move faster or slower. Overall, this had been a great round and my most favorite part is doing the experiment and i wish i could do more of that.

“How to be happy when you fail the test” Essay


     Who has never failed a test in their entire life? The answer is “no one”. Failing a test is what you all had faced as well as me. When you fail, you might feel sad and feel down and sometimes, you don’t even know how you can respond to that problem. However, remember that it’s not the only test that will define who you are or determine your future, like once Bill Gate say “ I fail in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of the Microsoft”. So this quote shows that even though you don’t pass in all of the subjects in the exam, it isn’t going to determine your future, like this owner of the Microsoft.  So below are the steps that you can follow in order to be happy when you fail the test.

  1. Consider it as an experiences : According to WikiHow, states that “ Try to consider it a learning experiences.” which means that If you fail the test, it’s not your fault just because it’s a learning experience for you to develop and improve yourself in the next day. Just learn from your fault, see how you can improve and do better next time. Imagine, if you won’t fail today, you won’t challenge yourself to be better in the future.
  2. Share it to people who you trust : In this way, you can share it with people that you trust because this will help to release your stress, your sadness. Sometimes, they might give you good ideas or can share your sadness. Just remember that don’t try to keep many things to yourself if you think you can’t handle it.
  3. Accept your mistake : Always try to figure out your mistakes and learn to accept it with an open heart or else you’ll never feel happy about it, you’ll never accept that you’re wrong and you won’t work hard on improving yourself. Moreover, when you’ve found out about what is your mistake and why you’re wrong, ask yourself a question “ how can you improve it and do better next time? ”  I believe that this will make you feel happier.
  4. Be optimistic : Think positively and appreciate of your fault today because it might be the path that leads you to success. Otherwise, you won’t challenge yourself to be better. Also, remember that no one is perfect even the professors or the founders of big companies, but once they fail, they learn from all those mistakes and ask themselves that how can they make it better next time.

     As you’ve read all those steps above, you might feel that it’s hard to follow and it’s too much to do. However, I’ve tried this and it’s really effective. I guarantee that you’ll be happier and enjoy more of your test after practicing all these steps. If you fail this test, it doesn’t mean that you’ll fail the next test!


STEMgineering Exploration – Round 4

What is this Exploration?

STEMgineering is an exploration that studied about engineering, type of engineering and creating STEM project for government students to become interested and excited in STEM because the government school’s curriculum doesn’t include this subject. And the main goal of this exploration.  As we come up with the STEM project ideas that all children all over Cambodia can use, we had to think that the projects have to be sustainable and Cambodia-friendly.

What have we learned about engineer in this exploration?

Before starting this STEM project ideas, we got introduced to engineer, type of engineer and what they do. We started with all of the six simple machines such as wheel and axle, lever, pulley, inclined plane, wedge and screw. To learn about this, we divided into group and research one type of the machine, then we’ll share with our classmate through presentation. We also get to do an activity about this which finding the material with these simple machines in campus and watch many videos related to the topic to understand more about it. After that, we had learned about the Design process which is the series of step that engineer follow to come up with a solution to the problem. After learning and following all these steps, our projects is really effective.

Our STEM project!

Then, we started brainstorming ideas of the projects that we wanna create for the government school. And what i’ve learned about brainstorming ideas is that it’s all about “quantity, not quality”. We we successfully creating and prototyping our projects, we went to two different government schools to showcase our project. The challenge that we face is that it’s hard to get those students engage with our project. However, as we had this experience, we tried to play games with them first to get to know more about each other in our second trip and that was successful. The students learned a lot and they were so excited in STEM. This make me felt so happy and proud and teaching, explaining other people is my favorite thing to do. Overall, i’ve learned much about engineering in this exploration and this was my first engineering class ever.